Speech-Language Workshops

Speech-Language Workshops 2018-02-05T19:02:04+00:00

Social Circles





Ages:  12-14

Dates: Mondays (4:15-5:15 pm)

6/5, 6/12, 6/19, 6/26, 7/3 (family conference)

Cost: $ 295.00

We will focus on developing social thinking skills using components from Michelle Garcia Winner’s Programs, video modeling and The Incredible Five Point Scale. Activities will focus on expected and unexpected behaviors, being part of the group and growing a better understanding and perspective of your own and other people’s thoughts and feelings.

Same-aged peer volunteers will be invited to join our group.

Family education will also provided to promote generalization of learned social skills.

Minimum Class Size: 3 Maximum Class Size: 5


Speech Yoga






Ages:  4-5

Dates: Fridays (11:30- 12:15 pm)

7/7, 7/14, 7/21, 7/28,  8/1 (family conference)

Cost: $ 260.00

Is your child currently receiving speech services? Are you looking for a new, motivating way to supplement his/her current speech program?

Then have your child come join us for our speech yoga & mindfulness classes! We will focus on improving speech skills while enjoying children’s literature and completing multi-sensory activities related to breathing and yoga poses!

Family education will also be provided to promote generalization of learned speech skills.

Minimum Class Size: 3 Maximum Class Size: 5